Contracts and Negotiation Foundations Webinar
As part of our partnership with Southern California Edison, we're excited to present another FREE webinar in our series on building your business through the SCE S.T.A.R. (Strategies Towards Achieving Results) series. If you've been around us any amount of time, you've heard us talk about certification, and what it can do for you and your business. All of that is meaningless, however, if you don't know how to negotiate or write a contract, all of that won't mean anything.
If that's you, then you won't want to miss our upcoming webinar!
Negotiating favorable terms can be the key to your success. However, a poorly written contract can jeopardize your business's profitability, assets or ability to perform. This course will provide tools to help businesses understand the requirements, elements and key information for formation of contracts. Using the psychology of negotiations, you will be able to apply negotiation tools and strategies to anything in business and/or personal life.
IDENTIFY the legal definition of a contract
EXPLAIN the elements of contract formation
UTILIZE offer and acceptance
Build confidence to negotiate with ease
DEMONSTRATE the ability to adequately prepare for your negotiation
CONTRAST the difference between a contract and an agreement
DEVELOP ideas on how to manage contracts for your business
DISCOVER everyday life examples that tie into any negotiation and APPLY that knowledge
About our Presenter, Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
As CEO of Dynamic Vision International Inc., Eldonna Lewis Fernandez provides negotiation, leadership, and communication training to corporate clients and small business owners internationally. Her business is built on a 23-year career as a contract specialist in the Air Force, where she negotiated hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of domestic and international contracts – everything from pens and paper to office machines, automotive parts and aircraft maintenance.
After retiring from the Air Force, Eldonna spent 10 years as a contracts administrator, negotiator and systems analyst for aerospace companies such as Raytheon, Sparta and Parsons. She worked with Raytheon and the U.S. Navy on the F-18 Radar program, and with Sparta and Parsons on satellite launch programs for the Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base. .
The award-winning speaker and author is one of 91 Toastmasters Accredited Speakers worldwide. She animates every keynote, workshop or breakout session with experiential participation, games or simulations. “You remember it because you’re experiencing the information rather than passively listening to it,” she says.
Eldonna is the founder of Baskets and Beads Kenya and Dynamic Vision Foundation which helps women in a slum in Kenya eradicate poverty through entrepreneurism. Baskets and Beads provides a hand up not a hand out by marketing their hand crafted baskets, beads and other products.
Through the sale of their handcrafted items in the U.S., many of the women have been able to leave prostitution and provide for their families. Eldonna works to find a market for their handcrafted items through wholesaling to stores or selling with her book when she speaks. “Book and a Bead” is changing the lives of the women and their children.
Eldonna has written two books: Think Like A Negotiator ~ 50 Ways to Create Win Win Results by Understanding the Pitfalls to Avoid and GoPINK Rules of Engagement: 5 Foundational Principles for Taking Control of the Handlebars of Your Life. She also coauthored Heart of a Military Woman, a compilation of stories by, for, and about military women. Among her many media credits, she has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox Business, Fox News and CNN, and been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes and The Huffington PostDate and Time
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDTJuly 25, 2023 at 9am
Online via Zoom
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Long Beach LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce
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